ViSit Anywhere Development

Development news and release notes

ViSit Anywhere 18.2.8 Release Notes

VA Immobilisation

When an error occurs while loading data, the application nows analyzes the various constraints in order to produce a more accurate description of the underlying problem.


In the POSITIONING ribbon page, we have corrected an issue that prevented the user from specifiying a different SRS.

ViSit FM

It is now possible to specify the location of a floor plan, instead of using the defaut (extents and orientation of the static floor plan). Simply add a Place (with extents) under that floor plan, with the identifier of the floor.

Reassign Geometry

The Reassign Geometry tool (in the DRAWING ribbon page) was not working properly. It is now possible to pick up a static or a managed element to provide the replacement geometry.

Fire Coverage

The fire coverage tool (in the Vigis.SnapIns.Network extension) was sometimes ignoring certain roads. This was caused by an error in the way we collect all road sites potentially involved in the graph exploration. This is now corrected.

Element Report

When multiple elements were involved in an element info report, the plot was Always fitted at 110% on thse elements. This is now corrected; the fit factor is not changed when the locate mode is already 'Fit'.

External Table

It is now possible to drag an external table instance from the project explorer and drop it into the 'My tools' panel. Clicking on the resulting control will trigger a refresh of the external table content (a Power or Administrator license level is required).


An hyperlink column contains an Url followed by an optional description. When the user click on the hyperlink, that Url is passed to the web browser. With this version, we have introduced an extension to this logic, in order to allow an hyperlink to start a local command. When the Url starts with file:// (case sensitive), the application removes this prefix to extract the path to the target application. Further in the Url content, the keywork arg= (optional) allow you to supply arguments to the application. For instance :

file://notepad.exe arg=c:\program files\géotech\visit anywhere\doc\microstation\untitled.docking.xml

Perpendicular Dimension

In this version, we have corrected a problem with the construction of a perpendicular dimension line, when the orientation is not free.

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