ViSit Anywhere Development

Development news and release notes

ViSit Anywhere 18.2.0 Release Notes

Components Upgrade

This release includes an upgrade of 2 major components of ViSit Anywhere : DevExpress (18.1.5) for the user interface, VectorDraw (7.7015.1.1) for the cad engine. 

Composer Snap-In

In the Composer extension, we have added an option in the advanced tools ribbon page. With this option, you can decide to include the maps footprints in the detailed plots.

Label Colorization

When a dynamic legend was changing the content of a label (Label Dynamic Legend), the original color of the label was lost.

DWG Attachment

When a dwg file defines an origin (different from 0,0), ViSit Anywhere was not displaying the map at the proper location.

Updating Inspection Rows

In this version, we have corrected a problem that prevented the user from updating inspection rows in bulk mode. It is now possible to assign a value to a column, for any selected inspection row in an horizontal grid.

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