Fixed Access Denied Error New Project Page
We fixed an error in the new project backstage view page that might occur when a user opens the New Project Page of the backstage view (application menu). This could occur if the user was not allowed access to a sub-directory of the active archives directory. With the new version, access will not be allowed (i.e. no files from that directory will be shown), but the exception will not be raised, allowing other files to be shown.
Longitudinal profiles
Fixed an error in the management of profile definitions. Some properties of a longitudinal profile were lost when duplicating or integrating the profile.
CAD resources
We have fixed an error in the change management of the CAD resource extension for an activity(symbol library for instance). The rollback of a change in a CAD extension was not properly applied to the project contents.
VAX plotting of CAD drawings
Fixed a problem in the support of native CAD drawings (dwg, dgn) during VAX plotting.