ViSit Anywhere Development

Development news and release notes

ViSit Anywhere 20.1.2 Release Notes

Import Equipment Tool

In this version, we have enhanced the Import Equipment tool to make sure that potential secondary rows for the target Equipment are properly populated.

Guichet Unique

The application now integrates additional information in a gu_travaux detail table : Descriptif, Nature & technique, Date_debut & Duree.

Mask in Paper Composition

We haved added a new item ('Mask') in the Plotting ribbon page ; this tool does nothing unless a paper composition is active and a spatial filter is defined. In that case, the tool will add a mask in the current composition, based on the geometry of the spatial filter.

GPS Info Tool

We have enhanced the Vigis.SnapIns.GpsInfo extension ; the tool is now able to store GPS information in a detail table, and its configuration is saved in a settings file that you can include in an archive.

Oriented Label

In this version we have corrected a problem with oriented labels wrongly wrapped on 2 lines.

Label along a Line

The min. and max. distances are now properly applied during the placement of a label along a line.

Framed Label

In this release we have corrected a problem with the framing of labels.

Database Publication, finalization

This version contains an important change in the Auto-Synchronization service, more precisely in the way the finalization function is executed, once a revision has been published. The vaas_finalize stored procedure, if it exists, is now called with a third boolean argument (true when the revision is the last of the batch). Upgrading your service to this version may cause publication errors without an adaptation of the finalization code in your database. 

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