ViSit Anywhere Development

Development news and release notes

ViSit Anywhere 18.2.27 Release Notes

Guichet Unique Schema

Ineris has changed the version number of the underlying schema of the XML files related to the declaration of a DT/DICT. In this version, we have modified the Guichet Unique extension in ViSit Anywhere to handle this new version number, without any further analysis of the potential changes in the content of these files.

Dynamic Legend

We have corrected a problem with the display of a dynamic legend in the 'My Map' panel, when several symbology types are involved (color and line weight for instance).

Kizeo Forms Extension

In this version, we have fixed a problem in the Kizeo Forms extension : A Kizeo user identified by an email address was not able to get information from the Kizeo server (list of users, of forms…).




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