File Resolver without Extension
It is now possible to define a file resolver without any extension.
Importing Attributes
We have corrected the 'Import Geometry' tool, so that we can also import attributes related to a reference table, as well as attributes in detail/secondary tables.
FM, Adding Symbols
In this version, we have enhanced the behavior of the 'Add Symbol' and 'Add Group' Tools in the FM extension. During the initial phase (orientation of the object), the tool display a red frame around the symbol (or the group) being placed.
FM, Workplaces Numbering
With this version, the FM tool for numbering workplaces accepts numbers made of digits and letters, for instance 7a, 7b, 7c...
Kizeo Forms
The Vigis.SnapIns.Kizeo.dll extension lets you interface ViSit Anywhere and the mobile capture Tools of Kizeo Forms. In ViSit Anywhere, you can now discover Kizeo forms and integrate them as tables/columns in the schema branch of the project. When a form is related to a spatial table, this extension lets you pre-fill Kizeo inspection forms and send them to the smartphone of a Kizeo user. When the form is filled and submitted, a VAX task will eventually integrate the data in the ViSit Anywhere inventory. Please contact us if you are interested by this subject and want to know more about these features.