CAD Export, Images and Colorization
Raster attachments are not ignored anymore during export to CAD format. Any attached image is copied into the output directory before we export its attachment.
Dynamic colorizations are now applied before exporting to CAD.
Copy Information
In this version, we have added a 'Copy Information' tool in the Database tool provider, in Vigis.Database.dll. With this tool, you can copy attribute values from a source to a target spatial asset. Columns are matched according to their external name. On the target, read-only and already populated columns are ignored.
Insert Node in Service Pipe
The 'Insert Node' network editor now operates on service pipes.
Shape Data
In this version, we have corrected another issue with the new Shape importer, when the source data contains empty values for numeric fields.
We have also enhanced the interpretation of the projection file supplied with the Shape data (.prj file).
VAX Configuration
We have corrected a problem in the configuration application. When a new project was added, the path to the service configuration file was invalid.