ViSit Anywhere Development

Development news and release notes

ViSit Anywhere 17.3.12 Release Notes

Shape Data Import

We have corrected a problem linked to the import of spatial data in Shape format : The partitioning of data based on the actual content of a column (filtering) was not working.

New Map Center

A new graphic tool (in the DISPLAY tab of the ribbon) will center the map on a new location, identified on screen. The scale of the map is adjusted when the scale of the current locating mode is defined.

Plot Template in 'My Tools'

It is now possible to drag and drop a plot template in the 'My Tools' panel.

Export Grid to Excel

With this new tool, you can directly export a grid to Excel. Previously, you had to open a print preview dialog to access the various export tools.

Add Network Equipment

In some cases, it was not possible to add a network equipment along a segment. This problem has been fixed in this revision.

SRS in Position Helper

In the POSITIONING ribbon page, it is now possible to select a source 'Spatial Reference System' (SRS). Any exact location manually entered in the X and Y ribbon items will be automatically converted to the project SRS (from that source SRS).



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