ViSit Anywhere Development

Development news and release notes

ViSit Anywhere 16.2.6 Release Notes

Web Plotting

A dynamic legend could be ignored during a web plot, when the current web role is geographically limited through a spatial filter.

Recovery Bundles

Site descriptions are always included in recovery bundles, to prevent potential data losses during the processing of recovery bundles by the VA support team.

Elagage Extension

A new tool was added, to generate an unique inventory number, relative to the current MV feeder.


Added an Empty Web Layer type, to simplify the declaration of a white background layer.

HTA Schemas

Enhanced the rendering of 'debouclage' points.

Dynamic Legends

A pre defined color (MapPalette.Hide) can be used to hide specific graphic elements through a dynamic colorization. That feature was not properly working for scaled (text, symbol) or framed (text) elements.


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