ViSit Anywhere 15.4.16 Release Notes 09 February 2016 dpremillieu Maps, VAX, ViSit Anywhere (0) Fill Colorization on Framed LabelsIn the VA GT cad engine, fixed a problem when a fill coloriz [More]
ViSit Anywhere 15.4.15 Release Notes 08 February 2016 dpremillieu ViSit Anywhere (0) Dimensioning ToolsChanged the logic of the dimensioning Tools in Vigis.SnapIns.PositionHelper. [More]
ViSit Anywhere 15.4.15, notes sur la version 08 February 2016 dpremillieu (0) Outils de cotationChangé la logique des outils de cotation dans Vigis.SnapIns.PositionHelper [More]
ViSit Anywhere v15.4.14, notes sur la version 04 February 2016 dpremillieu ViSit Anywhere (0) VA-FM, la touche "A" pour pivoter de 90°Les outils de placement d'article, d'équipement [More]
Développements 2016 de ViSit Anywhere 04 February 2016 dpremillieu Development (0) 2016 se présente comme une année importante dans le développement de ViSit Anyw [More]
ViSit Anywhere 15.4.12, notes sur la version 04 February 2016 dpremillieu VAAS, VAX, ViSit Anywhere (0) Correction dans le chargement des préférences du moteur graphiqueCorrigé une e [More]
ViSit Anywhere v15.4.13, notes sur la version 04 February 2016 dpremillieu Maps, ViSit Anywhere (0) Corrigé un problème avec l'association de documentsDans certaines circonstances, l'as [More]
ViSit Anywhere V15.4.14 Release Notes 27 January 2016 Dennis-Sellinger VAAS, ViSit Anywhere (0) In FM Pressing "A" Rotates by 90°When in origin selection mode in FM (Facilities Management) to [More]
ViSit Anywhere v15.4.13 Release Notes 21 January 2016 Dennis-Sellinger Maps, ViSit Anywhere (0) Corrected Problem Document Table AssociationThere was a problem where, under certain circumstances, [More]
ViSit Anywhere v15.4.12 Release Notes 14 January 2016 Dennis-Sellinger VAAS, VAX, ViSit Anywhere (0) Fixed How Settings are loaded into CAD EngineFixed an error in how CAD engine (VectorDraw) settings [More]