On November 9th, 2016 the INERIS in France published a new XML schema for their service of information exchange for utilities networks. The new version (2.2) is now in effect and replaces the older version (2.1). This document provides a brief summary of the items that have changed.
The above mentioned schema seems to have been released without documentation or other announcement. In order to evaluate the changes with the previous version, we have manually compared the two documents. This is a large complex document with many technical details and while we have made every effort to ensure that this analysis is valid, users are requested to verify that the information they have received corresponds to the information extracted by our processing of these documents.
Changes to Referenced Schema
The Guichet Unique (GI) schema references a number of other schema. In version 2.1, it referenced 4 schema from the INSEE, including individu, adresse, iso and siret. In version 2.2 they reference only the insee schema. As the basic structure of the GU schema remains unchanged we may assume that the newly referenced schema is an super set of the previously referenced schema.
New Element in Consultation Dossier
In the new GU schema, the root element (dossierConsultation) contains a new element, listeDesREADE. This element is defined to be of the type reades. The type reades is defined as a sequence of element of the type reade. The type reade contains the following elements: classe (classeOuvrage), code (string), type (string), dateCreation (dateTime), denomination (string), diametre (int) renseignements (string), raisonSociale (string) and dernierExploitant (string). A classeOuvrage is a simple enumeration of strings.
In our example document, the listeDesREADE element is empty and as there is no documentation available for the reade type and I am not sure of its importance nor signification, it will be ignored pending consultation with our customers.
Unreferenced Element (dossierConsultationReferencement)
The root node of a GU document is the dossierConsultation. The schema also contains an element specification for dossierConsultationReferencement that appears be unreferenced by the root element. Thus this implies that services may use documents whose root node is dossierConsultationReferencement. This element seems to contain a reference to the one of the primary classes of dossier (DT, DICT, DT DICT Conjointes or ATU).
It may be that some services will create XML documents rooted with this element rather than dossierConsultation, but for the purposes of ViSit Anywhere processing, we will continue to process only dossierConsultation documents.
The new GU schema also contains type definitions for the primary included reference types, informationsDTReferencement, informationsDICTReferencement, informationsDtDictConjointesReferencement and informationsATUReferencement. This types are not used when ViSit Anywhere processes a dossierConsultation document.
Analysis Details
In order to discover the changes to the GU schema document, the two schema (version 2.1 and 2.2) were first manually compared, side-by-side in an source code text editor. After this an XSD comparison tool (Altova DiffDog) was used to compare the XML text, as well as the schema to schema mapping. We have made every effort to ensure that this analysis is appropriate for the nature of the change to this schema.