Components Upgrade
This new version is a major release as we have upgraded the major components included in ViSit Anywhere : DevExpress V19.1.4.0 and VectorDraw 8002.1.0. This release has ben quickly tested so far; therefore there is no reason to install it in a hurry, unless you need to use its new features.
The new cad engine use a different technique for rendering texts ; labels with diffrent height and width will not look as before. We recommand that you specify the same valeur for height and wifth, and use a condensed font like 'Arial Narrow' to obtain an equivalent rendering;
Custom Line Styles in DGN
The cad engine of ViSit Anywhere GT does not render custom line styles found in DGN files. With this version, it is possible to define substitution rules to dynamically replace DGN line styles with line styles specific to our cad engine.
- Add a CAD extension in the activity of the DGN files
- Specify a line style library for this activity
- Define the target (antive) line style for any DGN line style that you want to render

Open the substitution form ; create a new record for each DGN style that you want to customize, and specify the name of the source and target line style.